LUNN welcomes all international students and provides a number of services to help them get a Russian student visa. Please read this page and the relevant subsections to be advised on the applicable regulations and procedures.
Guide to Entering the University for Foreign Citizens:
Step 1. Choose the major program meeting your expectations.
Step 2. If you need a course of Russian, do not hesitate to contact and learn more about the opportunities LUNN offers here.
Step 3. Collect the documents:
Attention! Foreign citizens living abroad as Russian compatriots (descendants of Russian compatriots) are also to provide the copy of the birth certificate and the copies of those of the parents.
Step 4. Provide the documents to the Admission Board using your personal account on our website. If you experience difficulties with providing documents via your personal account at LUNN’s web-site you may just send them directly by e-mail to Mrs. Nadezhda Prokopieva, Executive Secretary of the Admission Board.
Step 5. Pass the entrance exams.
Regulations for passing entrance exams using online technologies are here in English (in Russian).
Attention! Foreign citizens living abroad as Russian compatriots (descendants of Russian compatriots) have a right to apply for studies on a state-funding basis. To enter a BA or a specialist program they are to pass three entrance exams to apply for the state-funded places on equal terms with Russian citizens. Foreign citizens entering BA or specialist programs on a self-funding basis are to pass two entrance exams, in a foreign language and in Russian. Foreign citizens entering a MA program are to pass one entrance exam.
Attention! Foreign citizens entering a BA or specialist program on a self-funding basis are to pass a test in Russian as a foreign language. See the examples here:
Those who enter a MA program are to pass one exam.
Step 6. If you have successfully passed the exams, fill in and sign the Enrollment Agreement. You will be able to get it via the Admission Board / The Department for International Affairs.
Step 7. To be enrolled on a self-funding basis, sign a contract. You will be able to get it via the Admission Board / The Department for International Affairs.
Step 8. Arrive at LUNN by the start of the academic year.
Step 9. On your arrival in Nizhny Novgorod address the Department for International Affairs (building 3, offices 3113, 3114).
Step 10. Get acquainted with the migration rules, learn them and strictly comply with these rules:
Migration rules (in the Russian language)
Migration rules (in English language)
Migration rules (in French language)
Migration rules (in Arabic language)
Migration rules (in Chinese language)
Информация о поступлении для абитуриентов из стран ближнего зарубежья и СНГ
Правила прохождения дактилоскопии
Fingerprinting procedure regulations
Fingerprinting procedure regulations (in the Arabic language)
Nizhny Novgorod,
Minin Street, 31a, build. 3, off. 3113, 3114
Phone/fax: +7 (831) 416-61-12; +7 (831) 416-60-55
Working hours: 9.00 -18.00 (Mon - Fri)
How to get to the University by Public Transport:
From railway station: bus R-19 and route taxi-40 up to “NIITO” stop;
From city bus station: bus-R-2 and route taxi-14 up to “Ploshad Sennya” stop
The latest update: 05.03.2025
A person responsible for the information:
vice-rector for youth policy and international cooperation